I am a Certified Prenatal Bonding Analyst (Bonding Analysis as developed by Hidas and Raffai) and accompany pregnant women from the first months of pregnancy to the birth process with a new and revolutionary method that aims at enabling the pregnant woman to have a stress-free pregnancy and a smooth and quick delivery process, without the necessity of a caesarean section and possible birth trauma for the baby! The consultation sessions can easily be handled online!
The findings of the still relatively new and little known prenatal psychology - also called by Thomas Verny, the most renown prenatal psychologist worldwide „The Secret Life of the Unborn Child" – have proven without any doubt that prenatal bonding is the best element to promote the unborn baby's psychological and physical development throughout the 9 months of its uterine life.
Having accompanied pregnant women with a very specific method called „BONDING ANALYSIS (according to Hidas and Raffai) for some years now, I understood that many pregnant women have great difficulty in establishing a prenatal bond with their unborn baby because they all seem to suffer mostly unconsciously from emotional deficits of different intensity.
These emotional deficits are related to the pregnant woman's own parenting and bonding experiences that have marked and shaped her from infancy and childhood.
Pregnancy offers a unique opportunity to become aware of these emotional deficits, to process them and to learn how to give oneself the care that one has not received, by using the "self-care" concept that I have developed.
Having done so, the pregnant woman succeeds in bonding with her unborn baby long before birth in a new and unburdened way, thus promoting the baby's psychological and physical health.
I offer the participants of my training courses the opportunity to become aware of their own emotional deficits and I also show them how to deal with them.
By addressing their own deficits and learning how to treat them, my course participants are better able to accompany pregnant women with the Bonding Analysis.
Therefore, my training course is specifically designed for all health care professionals in general, all professionals dealing with pregnancy and childbirth, such as midwives, doulas, obstetricians, as well as all those who professionally deal with babies, infants and to a large extent with infertility issues.
Prenatal bonding helps to avoid traumata the baby might otherwise experience in the womb. Trauma can e.g. occur in case the pregnant woman has bonding difficulties, meaning for example, that the acceptance of the pregnancy is hard for her. Stress and the way she copes with it might also be an evidence that she does have certain bonding problems.
Prenatal bonding can also be very helpful in cases of a former premature birth or even a stillbirth or if a previous birth was simply very dramatic. Other cases for example are: unperceived loss of a twin, traumatising consequences of the reproductive medicine for the baby conceived that way.