I am so very grateful to Marialuigia for her enduring commitment to enable the publication of the booklet in Italian! She did a fantastic job because she is so impressed by the BA/APPA method! I wish for her to accompany many pregnant women with the BA/APPA method! Marialuigia is really a kind of pioneer, because the BA/APPA method is not yet known in Italy. She will strive to change that! The booklet can be ordered at: mgiovannini@geburtundfamilie.ch

Dr Marialuigia Giovannini-Spinelli MD PhD
Nationality: Italian
Marital status: Married with one child
Date of birth: September 4th 1983
Place of birth: Naples, Italy
Medical Council affiliation:
Aargauischer Ärzteverband (AAV)
Swiss Medical Association (FMH/VSAO)
Royal Society of Medicine (Associate Membership)
Scientific Membership:
- Society for Reproductive Investigation (SRI)
- European Society of Gynecological Endoscopy (ESGE)
- Società Italiana di Endoscopia Ginecologica (SEGI)
Online Training “B.O.B.S. - Bindungsorientierte Begleitung der Schwangerschaft”, 5.11.-10.12.2022 (APPA – Academy-to-Promote-Prenatal-Attachment)
Clinical Experience
September 2021 to date, Attending OB/GYN Specialist at the Private Centre “Geburt und Familie”, Aarau, Switzerland, directed by Dr. Werner Stadlmayr and at the Hirslanden Private Hospital (since September 2023)
- Obstetrics and gynecological consultations
- Basic infertility diagnosis and treatment
- Urogynecology
- Family planning
- Prenatal ultrasound
- Gynecological ultrasound
- Office diagnostic and operative hysteroscopy
- Naturopathy
July 2015 to April 2021, OB/GYN Physician (2018-2021) and Medical Fellow (2015-2017) at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Inselspital, Bern University Hospital, Switzerland, directed by Prof. Michael Müller and Prof. Daniel Surbek
- Obstetrics and gynecological consultations
- Prenatal ultrasound
- Gynecological ultrasound
- Basic infertility diagnosis and treatment
- Urogynecology
- Family planning
- Antenatal and postnatal ward care
- Obstetrics first aid
- Delivery room
- Operating room (basic surgery in Obstetrics and benign gynecologic surgery)
April 2015 to Juli 2015: Surgical fellow at the Private Centre “Casa di Cura S.Rita”, Atripalda (AV), Italy, directed by Dr. Italo Ardovino
-Training in elective conventional (open) gynecology surgery
-Training in laparoscopic gynecological surgery
July 2009 to July 2015:Resident doctor at the “Training program in Obstetrics and Gynecology”, Specialization School, School of Medicine, University of Naples “Federico II”, Italy, directed by Prof. Carmine Nappi
- Inpatient and outpatient minimally invasive gynecologic surgery
- Basic gynecologic and obstetric ultrasound
- Antenatal und postnatal ward care
- Basic obstetrics and gynecological consultations
- Obstetric first aid
- Delivery room
- Operating room
January 2013 to June 2015: Trainee doctor at the Private Centre of obstetrical and gynecological ultrasound “Diagnostica Ecografica Prenatale A. Di Meglio S.R.L.” , Naples, Italy, directed by Dr. Aniello Di Meglio
- Gynecologic and obstetric ultrasound, including I and II screening, second opinion and invasive prenatal diagnostic (chorionic villus sampling, amniocentesis)
2010 to 2015: Collaboration with Medico-Legal Advisers in Obstetrics and Gynecology
2006 to 2009: Pre and Post Graduate Trainee at: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology directed by Prof. Carmine Nappi and Department of Surgery, Orthopedy, Traumatology and Emergency, directed by Prof. Francesco Milone, University of Naples "Federico II", Italy; Post Graduate Trainee at: Medical Family Office, Via Vittorio Colonna 14, Naples, Italy, directed by Dr. Saverio Annunziata
Research and teaching experience
March 2017 to April 2021: Post-Doc Research Associate at the Laboratory of Prenatal Medicine - Department of clinical research, University of Bern, Switzerland, directed by Prof. Daniel Surbek
- Experimental translational research activity at the Laboratory of Prenatal Medicine, directed by Prof. Andreina Schoeberlein and Prof. Martin Mueller. Main research lines:
- In-vitro investigation of the role of the “Preimplantation Factor” in perinatal brain injury
- In-vitro investigation of the mechanisms of the preterm birth
- Clinical research activity at the Unit of Prenatal Ultrasound, directed by Prof. Luigi Raio. Main research lines:
- Pathological development of the fetal brain, with special attention to the midline structures and the posterior fossa
October 2017 to October 2018: MRes student in Psycho-Neuro-Endocrino-Immunology University of Turin, Italy, at the Department of Neuroscience “Rita Levi Montalcini”
- Clinical research activity at the Department of Neuroscience “Rita Levi Montalcini”, directed by Prof. Abbate Daga. Main research lines:
- Role of Psychosocial Stress in the pathophysiology of pregnancy complications
February 2014 to February 2017: Binational PhD student in Reproductive Sciences – co-tutoring between the: Department of Neurosciences and Reproductive Sciences, University of Naples Federico II, Italy, tutor: Prof. Lucio Annunziato (2014-2015) and the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Bern, Switzerland, tutor: Prof Daniel Surbek (2015-2017)
- Experimental translational research activity at the Laboratory of Prenatal Medicine, directed by Prof. Andreina Schoeberlein (Bern). Main research line: Investigation of the role of the Wharton Jelly’s mesenchymal stem cells in perinatal brain injury
- Clinical research activity at the Unit of Prenatal Ultrasound, directed by Prof. Luigi Raio (Bern) and at the private Centre of Obstetrical and Gynecological ultrasound “Diagnostica Ecografica Prenatale A. Di Meglio S.R.L.”, (Naples). Main research lines: Physiological development of the fetal brain, with special attention to the midline structures and the posterior fossa
- Teaching activity: preparation and publication of short video/audio in Italian and English reporting clinical cases in Gynecologic and Obstetric Ultrasound, available at the website: http://www.aniellodimeglio.com/pubblico/index.htm
2010 to 2015: Anatomy and Physiology Teacher at “course preparation for medical school”, Private Centre “Istituto per Ricerche ed Attività Educative” (IPE), Naples, Italy, directed by Dr. Lorenzo Burdo
Education and Qualifications
1st September 2023: Accreditation as “Portalärztin” at the Hirslanden Private Hospital, Aarau, Switzerland
28 April 2023: Diploma in «Arthrokinematik – manuelle Medizin» according to the method of Dr. Dorin Ritzmann and Dr. Bruno Maggi
15 June 2022: European Gynecological Endoscopy Education and Assessment Programme (GESEA) Certification, European Society of Gynecological Endoscopy (ESGE) Academy
10 October 2021: Swiss Certification in Pregnancy Ultrasound - Fähigkeitsausweis «Schwangerschaftsultraschall» Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Ultraschall in der Medizin (SGUM)
28 October 2018: Master of Research “magna cum laude” in Psycho-Neuro-Endocrine-Immunology (PNEI), University of Turin, Department "Rita Levi Montalcini", Italy
Thesis: “Effetti dello stress in ottica perinatale: l’ottica PNEI”
7 June 2017:Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) “summa cum laude” in Neuroscience and Reproductive Medicine co-tutored between the University of Naples “Federico II”, Italy, and the University of Bern, Switzerland
Thesis: “Physiopathology of the Developing Brain: from prenatal imaging to experimental models”
3 July 2014: Certification in Obstetrics and Gynecology “summa cum laude”, recognized by the FMH Swiss Medical Association, School of Medicine, University of Naples “Federico II”, Italy
Thesis: “Ruolo dell’isteroscopia nella diagnosi e nel trattamento delle malformazioni congenite del tratto genitale femminile nell’ambito del work-up dell’infertilità”
25 July 2008: Doctor of Medicine and Surgery “summa cum laude”, recognized by the FMH Swiss Medical Association, School of Medicine, University of Naples “Federico II”, Italy
Thesis: “Valutazione del ruolo del – Cocaine and Amphetamine Regulated Transcript- (CART) nella fisiopatologia ginecologica
Awards and Grants
March 2020: Giorgio Pardi Foundation Junior Scientist Award: SRI Presentation: “Synthetic PreImplantation Factor Prevents Preterm Birth and Preserves Fetal Brain Development”
July 2019: CHF 80’000 Clinical Trial Unit Research Grant Bern University Hospital. Research line: “PreImplantation factor: a biomarker for preterm birth?”
October 2018: First Award: DGGG Poster Presentation: “PreImplantation Factor promotes Neuroprotection by modulating Long non-coding RNA H19 of the Neuronal Stem Cells”
June 2018: First Award: SGGG Oral Presentation: “PreImplantation Factor promotes Neuroprotection by modulating Long non-coding RNA H19 of the Neuronal Stem Cells”
February 2014: CHF 35’000 Research Grant University of Naples “Federico II”. Research line: “Physiopathology of the Developing Brain: from prenatal imaging to experimental models”
Italian: Mother Tongue
English: C1
German: C1
French: A2
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Il Bonding dei nove mesi. Ed. Mediterranee 1998
Righetti Pier Luigi
Ogni bambino merita un romanzo. Lo sviluppo del sé dall’esperienza prenatale ai primi tre anni di vita, Ed. Carocci Faber
Non c’è due senza tre. Le emozioni dell’attesa dalla genitorialità alla prenatalità 01/01/2000
Soldera Gino
Mamme e papà. L’attesa di un bambino, Ed. Città Nuova Febr. 2014
Conoscere il carattere del bambino prima che nasca 30 nov. 1995
Le emozioni della vita prenatale. Guida alla riscoperta dell’universo originario del bambino